Is Resurfacing a Gunite Pool Advisable? Consider These 3 Warning Signs
Like your home’s roof or driveway, your inground swimming pool can degrade with time.
A pool will eventually experience wear and tear over time, especially if subjected to repeated freeze-thaw cycles, pressured water, and chemical disinfectants.
Customers who own outdated gunite swimming pools frequently ask us the following questions at PoolForce:
- What are some methods for revitalizing my dated collection?
- What tells me that my group has to undergo a renovation?
- What is the price of resurfacing a pool?
- How long will it take to resurface my collection, if necessary?
Resurfacing your swimming pool can frequently work miracles and revitalize an old collection. Here are some clear signs that it’s time to resurface your gunite pool.
Three indications are that it’s time to think about swimming and resurfacing your pool.
The colours, sizes, and forms of stains vary widely. Most of the time, the colour of your pool’s surface is only minor and irritating. However, we realize how annoying a pool stain can be when it becomes the one thing you notice every time you’re close to your pool, just like that spot on your favourite clothing.
The following are the main factors that generate pool surface stains:
- Mineral and chemical inputs.
- Leaves and other organic matter.
- Algae (red or green) (red or green).
It’s likely time for a professional gunite pool repair if stains increase in size or number or if repeated attempts to clean up and remove your stains prove futile.
What’s the feel of your pool’s surface? A major red flag would be if it felt rougher than you expected or if you could see the gunite through it. The surface of your pool is eroding. And things will only worsen.
What’s the water retention like in your pool? A pool surface worn out or damaged has a significant chance of leaking water.
Have you ever thought, “Didn’t I just add water the other day?” That could be a sign that you leak if left unattended. Pool leaks will only worsen, just like a decaying surface. And until a complete resurfacing is in completion, your water bill will keep rising.
Options for Gunite Pool Resurfacing
As previously mentioned, there are several resurfacing solutions available for gunite pools. All pool surfaces are familiar to us at Neave Pools, but marcite and quartz aggregate are two that we use more frequently than others. Here is a quick synopsis of the two:
Marcite is a typical plaster used for pool floors and comprises cement, water, and marble dust (or silica sand). This surface option, sometimes known as white plaster, is durable and creates a waterproof cover over porous gunite.
Quartz mixture
A quartz aggregate surface is made of plaster mixed with tiny fragments of quartz, glass beads, river stones, etc., and is more durable than marcite.
Because it is more demanding and stain-resistant, as well as providing a rich, distinctive look through custom blending choices, many of our customers choose this alternative.
What Is the Time Frame for Resurfacing a Pool?
Your pool’s surface is thus raising one, two, or three warning flags, and you are becoming aware of the necessity of resurfacing. Wait a minute. The catch is that. Just because your pool has a few leaks and stains doesn’t mean you’re ready to close it forever.
We hear you. But as we have mentioned, the longer you allow these minor problems to fester, the more significant, severe, and damaging they become.
New surface applications often take a day or two, so you can know how much time you might be spending poolside. Additionally, it typically takes two weeks for the pool to cure before a homeowner can use it.
A month! That gives you enough time to organize the wonderful re-opening celebration for your pool.
Schedule home maintenance appointments
We all become older, and your pool is no exception. The greatest thing you can do for your outdated pool is to hire a pool specialist to perform a comprehensive check. An expert will examine the pump, heater, filter, and drains for leaks, issues, and proper performance. They will look for age indicators that could cause problems in the liner or plaster, the tile, and the coping.
PoolForce is the place to start when looking for a Fiberglass, Gunite, or Vinyl liner pool. Contact our team, and we will assist you in determining which options are best for your preferences, budget, and lifestyle.
Which is your favourite pool? Tell us in the comment section.
We eagerly await your response.
Check out our other blogs as well; we have a lot to offer in pool knowledge.